Uni tomorrow for Griffith

But it also dealt with issues surrounding the elderley, anti-semitism and teenage pregnancy.
It reminded me of Breakfast at Tiffany's. I've never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's but I imagine they'd be very similar movies.
pineapple vinegar

Don't you wish you could pull off the matching jackets look as well as Golf Mike?
Anna and I have known each other since grade 8. And we had the biggest torrid love affair in like grade 9. And by torrid love affair, I mean dilemma over whether or not I should ask her out. It probably lasted around 2 weeks. At the time it seemed very dramatic. Nowadays I see her at random points through-out the year. On Wednesday she invited me to meet up to drink up at 9am. I regretfully declined. For 1 - Being somewhere at 9 means getting up at at least 8.30 and I haven't done that all holidays. 2 - getting drunk at 9am is commendable, but a little intense. As seniors we wear in the same Chem, Bio, English and Chinese classes. And in the downstairs bio room we sat at the same back bench with Daniel and Mitchell and occasionally Emily. And we can both vividly remember Daniel braking open that petri dish full of bacteria and the teacher going completely nuts. She's also an avid collector of penguin stuff. But according to her she wouldn't want a pet penguin because they smell.

2008 memories

I simply ask that you be patient and supportive.
creeepy site
If Michael Jackson were Japanese he'd so be into this.
We did however get to hear this great story about this girl who was friends with this other girl in highschool and she didn't want to do ouiji but they did ouiji. And her friend came over to her house and they did ouiji and a spirit walked down her hallway and the girl got really freaked out because she didn't want to do ouiji and now they aren't friends anymore cuz they did ouiji.
Remember when...
Battle Royale
Iranian pop art
Without question she agreed. She's enthusiastic like that. And she even had an important dinner date with another friend at 8. So she was like really dedicated to seeing this seminar she knew nothing about.
Upon arrival she asked me what the hell we were doing. Apparently she had just been informed that I was attending a lecture and didn't want to sit alone. Just as we arrived at the venue I informed her it was The Life of Art: Contemporary Representations from Iran and the Arab World .
Amidst a crowd of over 30's and what appeared to quite possibly be a 15 year old in a beret we chugged down the free wine and horsedourves like the sophisticated art aficionados we were.
The seminar was also good. Even with no knowledge of "visual arts from the Middle east and North Africa". And even after sitting through the lame, semi-rhetorical questions from the audience at the end.
Memorable moment
Lady 1: We're about to get started if you could start going in. You just can't take the drinks in I'm sorry :)
Liam: No problems :)
1 second later
Lady 2: We're starting. So could you move into the theatre :( *struts away*
Liam: Bitch, I'm drinking wine.
Liam's friend: Liam, she's right behind you. I think she heard you.