Nowadays I only see a handful of my highschool friends on a regular basis. But thanks to myspace/facebook I can assume with relative confidence that they're all still alive.
Anna and I have known each other since grade 8. And we had the biggest torrid love affair in like grade 9. And by torrid love affair, I mean dilemma over whether or not I should ask her out. It probably lasted around 2 weeks. At the time it seemed very dramatic. Nowadays I see her at random points through-out the year. On Wednesday she invited me to meet up to drink up at 9am. I regretfully declined. For 1 - Being somewhere at 9 means getting up at at least 8.30 and I haven't done that all holidays. 2 - getting drunk at 9am is commendable, but a little intense. As seniors we wear in the same Chem, Bio, English and Chinese classes. And in the downstairs bio room we sat at the same back bench with Daniel and Mitchell and occasionally Emily. And we can both vividly remember Daniel braking open that petri dish full of bacteria and the teacher going completely nuts. She's also an avid collector of penguin stuff. But according to her she wouldn't want a pet penguin because they smell.
Once we went to Mindy's house when her family wasn't home and she showed us into her mother's room and where she kept her crotchless panties. True story. And at some other point at her house I attempted to smoke my first cigarette but got smoke in my eye and totally freaked out. I was a weenie. Oh yeah we also went to this small b'day party (possibly a 16th) ages ago and she intentionally dressed like a 60's go go dancer. It wasn't a costume party. She looked totally awesome though. And she kept telling everyone her shoes were this "Fetish brand". By the end of the night I remember her pink polka dot stockings had been reduced to rags. And all the Passion Pop was finished. She used to work at Hungry Jacks at Grand Plaza, had a stylish blonde mullet in grade 12 and was one of those girls who had been smoking since god knows when. She was in my Modern History class in grade 12. What she's up to now I have no real idea. There is however a photo of her in a cardboard box on her facebook. Oh Oh Oh!! And we also went to Best & Less one time and bought these gigantic granny panties and then gave them to her sister who was dealing with a weight problem.
In grade 10 I was moved from Ms Hopkins maths class because I was too dumb. Instead of taking advantage of the easier work load in my new class, I sat next to Haimish and messed around. He drew funny pictures of our teacher, made up funny scenarios about our teacher inappropriately touching Jazz, the African exchange student and we'd look out the window and distract ourselves with wildlife. Also we'd make fun of the really fat teacher who came in to give extra help to all the math flunkies. We later found out that she could speak Croatian like our other friends in that class, Alan and Alex . Which was really bad, because we were always making fun of her massive camel toe. And they'd always speak in Croatian. And at Chloe's 16th or 17th or whatever when we were all making a whirlpool in her pool, the constant circular motion, aquatic environment and excess of soft drink somehow hypnotised us into laughing at everything. I'm convinced it was a cosmic experience. How else could the line "There's a Lido. I want one!" be funny otherwise? I saw him last at Sam's 18th at Uber, one year out of high school. I was mildly intoxicated and pretty much repeated everything I just said here to him. I wonder if he ever gets sick of hearing it all.
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