Which essentially makes me Henry and Beverly Hills 90210.
I so have no grip right now. I think i threw up and had a sausage roll.
-27th Nov 1:27am
Compared to his usual texts, which are complex masterpieces, this text, this text about throwing up, and then having a sausage roll plays on the simple concept of continuity, and in it's simplicity, is, in and of itself, a triumph of English literature.
I can only assume that when Henry texts, his fingers channel some pool of raw humanity that is off-limits to others. Here's what I mean:
Haha maybe. Or maybe i'll gag myself and then swallow my own vomit?
- 4th Nov 6:49pm
Henry's texts seem to revolve around common themes and although his prose tends to lie somewhere between Baroque and existential, with a tendency to be Neo-romantic at times, obvious influences would (presumably) include the more modern works of Sylvia Plath and Perfume. (citation needed)
If I started a story with "That three-year-old totally deserved it," would you listen?
- 2nd Nov 11:19am

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