Then BRUNCH at yumcha. Brunch; how fucking grown-up sounding is that?
It was an incredibly grown-up affair, as where we typically have yumcha is where Lillian also had her wedding reception. (Lillian can be seen above in the grey knit sweater and with the stunning eyes.)
Even if we did spend brunch discussing who from high school we'd like to have on our Survivor tribes. it was still very much a mature, grown-uppy discussion.

This is where my overwhelming sense of Independence and grown-uppery kicked in. I think it had something to do with Nikki's outfit (seen above). It was the 80's style navy blazer with shoulder pads and blue and white check lapels (matched with cowboy boots and pink nail polish) that really made me feel like I was in the middle of a power lunch.
Queen's Plaza, with all that white marble also made me feel extra sophisticated.
Later that evening, I saw some lovely ladies friends who had just finished attending a Hens Night.

Being the only guy with several women, some of whom you've never met, one of whom is getting married, is always a tense situation. But nothing a grown up couldn't handle. So I ordered a beer. Nothing says "I'm past adolescence" more directly than purchasing just one beer, then drinking it from a glass.
I even pointed out an unintentionally penis shaped statue to the bride-to-be. Now that's maturity!
I even pointed out an unintentionally penis shaped statue to the bride-to-be. Now that's maturity!
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