
You know when you have a great idea (or just any idea) in the middle of the night and you think to yourself, "That's so genius there's no way I could possibly NOT remember this in the morning."
But you can't remember it in the morning, no matter how great it was!
So instead of the old "Keep a pen and pad on your bedside table" fiasco , I just glare into the startling brightness that is my phone and I save myself a message in drafts.

I just went through my drafts on my phone today and found this peach of an 'idea'.

"Had this dream about a pg stuck in a cows head gnaw it free 20Mins"

Now, just before I saved this draft, I was asleep but also conscious enough to realise I was dreaming. Dreaming about a baby pig that was alive and well inside the head of a living cow. And it had to gnaw through the cow's brain and into the mouth, then out into freedom. And it took 20 minutes for it to escape its beefy, cranium jail. (I was watching it through an X-ray machine.)

This is important for 2 reasons.

1. I deemed this important enough to warrent waking up, opening my eyes, grabbing my phone and noting it down, like, just incase this was the idea that was gonna make me rich.

2. Because that is pretty cool.

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