is probably not a good movie. But I found it pleasing, light and fun. It's a Disney movie, so expect awkwardly phrased and enthusiastically delivered lines about believing in yourself.
Ben 10: Alien force is a more emotionally mature piece of work, but let's face it, comparing anything to Ben 10 is kind of unfair.
On a scale from 1 to enjoyable, it's around an 8.
Going the Distance
is that movie with Drew Barrymore and that other guy. It cashes in on current social trends; lovable nerds and unconventionally attractive, articulate male losers with facial hair.
This movie features a great deal of swears and talk about dirty rough sex, despite falling into the "romantic comedy" genre. I don't know (nor care) whether this "vulgarity" makes a movie... but it certainly gives it an up to the minute feel. Let me try and explain:
5 years ago I would have been caught off guard if a woman had uttered the phrase "Suck my dick."
These days I hear it a lot. So when Drew Barrymore delivers this line in the movie, I was neither shocked, surprised, appalled nor amused... I was just like "Huh. We can say that in movies now."
My favourite part of the movie was Christina Applegate.
In short, Going the Distance wasn't a bad movie. But, my friends are funnier than this movie. Your friends probably aren't.
Easy A
Easy A was glorious. [To skip unnecessary remarks, go to Last Air Bender.]
It has been compared to Mean Girls and Clueless, assumedly because they are comedies with American female high school student protagonists. If you're not a dickfish you will see Mean Girls and Clueless are in fact, different movies, and in that proud tradition, Easy A is also completely different.
If there is anything in this movie to legitimately complain about however, it's the 15 seconds in which the lead character wears Ray Bans.
I am getting AIDs from seeing Ray Bans on everyone between the ages of 13 and 35. Okay! We get it! Ray Bans! Cool! (sarcasm) Wild! (sarcasm) Whatev! (not sarcasm)
The Last Air Bender
In the same vein as The Sorcerer's Apprentice, this movie's script is corny, cheesy, hackneyed and at times leaves you feeling like this:

But it is also fun, light, bubbly entertainment with cool fight scenes and special effects and magic and a dragon and some explosions like BOOM BOOM BOOM and a fish and a princess and a Malibu Stacy Home Dishwasher. I liked it! But I also like the cartoon on which it was based.
How embarrassing.
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