
Well, I have an exam on Friday so I should really start busting out some quality blog posts. Kidding, that will never happen.
But let's update you. I've got this anonymous friend who is the bomb. And I couldn't be happier for her at the moment.
She's "dating" this 37 year old (16 years her senior) because she found out he lives in a mansion. There might be other reasons, but I'm pretty sure it's the mansion that really consolidates the relationship, because before we knew he lived in a mansion we only referred to this guy as "the weirdo who comes into her work and presents her with fruit."
It takes guts to stick to your dream of marrying into money. I'm super proud of her honesty regarding her negligible emotional attachment to this man and her tenacity to attempt an empty relationship in the chance of reaping great rewards.
It may sound shallow and yeah, it is. But the pleasure a rich man takes in his association with a younger woman isn't something you can qualify or quantify with your sense of moral decency. It can, however, be measured in gifts; all the expensive gifts she will receive.
Also, I got this mad post about a baby coming up. So stay tuned for that.

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