Liam: Why are you so delicious? Sophaé: I think the deliciousness comes from the fact that my mother was a tart and my father a fruit cake. As such, I am a fruity tart.
What do you study at uni? I 'study' science at Uni, majoring in Ecology. But 'study' is probably not the right word for it because of all the things I do at Uni, 'study' comes just after being a pirate but before pimping hoes. Word. On a side note, I've been practising saying 'word' at the end of sentences like it ain't no thing. I still sound a little unnatural but I'm confident I will get there.
If you had a unicorn, what would you name it? Would it be a boy or a girl? Would you let me ride it around? Now this unicorn question is particularly appealing to me for I often long to own, if not become, a unicorn. The thing about unicorns, Liam, is they do not have a gender. They do not reproduce in the same way as you or I. They are majestic beings for which sex is an unspoken, filthy and unnecessary act. They're sort of likes the Catholics in that way. I think they divide by mitosis. Anyway back to the question I'd name my unicorn/ my unicorn self Jibbles for an unspecified reason. And yes, you could ride it/me but not in a sexual way. I mean, I like you, but with a unicorn? You're sick if you would even consider it. On a side note, something that has always puzzled me about unicorns is that horn. If they are peaceful and loving creatures then why the horn? From an evolutionary stand point horns are classically a tool for fighting, territory defense, male dominance and war. So why then does the unicorn possess such a structure? A dark past I suggest. A dark past of deeply repressed childhood memories.
What do you like listening to (music wise) at the moment? At the moment I am sitting at Roma St Station and there is a homeless lady with beard, rattling a tambourine and hollering. That's what I'm into right now. I think you really have to go to the streets to hear the city's rhythmic soul. I'm new wave like that.
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