
I wrote this today and is in no way connected to the previous post

Today I woke up after broken sleep and hallucinatory dreams, feeling as if I was about to feint from the pain in my stomach I diagnosed to be: hunger. I had a bite of an apple and then ran to the toilet to throw it up. Not hunger.
I decided to not go to class and instead get my dad to chauffeur me to the doctor for a check up. Felt fine at the doctor's and for the rest of the day felt and ate as per usual. I'm a healthy boy!
I decided to lay down outside while wearing a jacket, jeans, a beanie and a scarf, on towels I placed out onto the lawn, and soaked up the sunshine while every possible inch of skin was fully covered and protected from the sun.
Then I had a bubble bath, only refilling it once with hot water.
Then I had a shower to rinse those disgusting bubbles off me.
Then I wrote this blog.
The assignment that is due tomorrow is, at this stage, incomplete. The linguistics assignment I fully intend to do... incomplete. The Backstreet Boys had a 2005 hit called Incomplete. This is, in many ways a lot like that song.

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