Despite the way I treat people, I have somehow managed to make friends. Really good friends. Amazing friends. Friends that shower me in gifts and take little notice of the way I treat people.
This is a
shout out to that cupcake of a friend of mine who bought me a Beverley Hills 90210 Brenda Barbie that is still in the box and ceased being made more than 15 years ago.
Reaffirming masculinity... she can sit next to my action figures. I don't play with barbies. The original 90210 is considered to be a very butch teen drama. All your favourite action stars and Russian chauvinist writers were big fans of 90210. 
Brenda comes with a (high wasted) bikini AND cowboy boots. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda. I also took a photo of the back of the box. It features a brief but informative Brenda summary.

Brenda and I share a very similar hair style and seductive stare. Here she tries to replicate me. Good try, Brenda!
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