Well, have I had a day? Yes. I went to uni, I came home, I had some cookies and milk, I went to godhatesfags.com, which then led me to jewskilledjesus.com. I'll probably retire to have some dinner, think about looking at my text books, hastily stow my textbooks away and pop Clueless into the dvd player. Alicia Silverstone and I need to be on more of a first name basis. It's something people often say to me.
"You know, Liam, you should be on more of a first name basis with Alicia Silverstone" they will say.
"I know, I know" I will reply.
Anyway, godhatesfags.com is some kind of American religious movement... not just a website. Just like Alicia Silverstone isn't just an actress, she's also a website. But anyway, I learnt a lot of interesting things about Alicia Silverstone. Did you know she's been in like, 4 Aerosmith film clips? Also, god hates fags. He hates them so much he's made signs. And that's the ultimate. You don't get your message out there by flooding the world or impregnating a virgin with Jesus. No, that's not how you get noticed. It's with signs. It's all about signs these days.

I've worked it out. She's wearing a red balaclava/face warmer type thing. Yes, I've been staring at it too. Now where have my delicious kids gotten to?

Here, a young gentlemen uses the 'ultraliminal' technique of getting his point across. He wants these young ladies to eat their babies. And there's no better way to command people to do your bidding than by getting it right in their faces. Trust me, after seeing that sign for a few more seconds, they
will eat their babies.

I'd have prefered a play on rabies and babies with this one. Something along the lines of "Rabbis give rabies to raped babies." That would have been catchier.
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