Did you ever notice this particular couple in the background? Are they not the best
high school couple?

I don't know what they're deal is, but they both have really long hair and I guess that says a lot about a person's character.
He's probably this slightly introverted, bad-ass type who is actually acing biology but no one knows he's smart because he never participates in class discussions. He likes to drink soda and loiter around the mall with his girlfriend. He played basketball during primary school and skateboarded in his first 2 years of middle school. But realising skateboarding is for Dennis the Menace, gave it up.
She's upper middle-class and hangs around these 3 girls with too many ear piercings and second-hand cars and non-high school student boyfriends. They all wear black tops and all her friends wear jeans, but as you can see, she likes to wear pink skirts on occassion. Sometimes they sit together at lunch. Sometimes they don't. It's relaxed like that. She's into Alanis Morrisette.

They are the ultimate grunge couple of the 90's (Cobain and Courtney Love don't count because they're disgusting.)
True, it wouldn't have been possible to fit them into the movie because of time restraints. But I'm surprised they didn't make a spin-off movie about them. Surprised and disappointed. I imagine it basically would have been like Daria, but the couple play Daria only less depressed and pathetic. So it's witty, sarcastic lines from them and 'omg did they really just say that', 'laugh at not with' lines from all the other stereotypical highschoolers. The 3 girls she hangs around with are like Jane... but, you know, actually likeable. And I guess we can throw in a sort of 'out there' friend of his that he always runs into at the mall but it's unsure whether he goes to school with them or what. He'd be like Trent.
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