This is how it started. A status update, angry over a suggestion. And something 'technical' and 'professional' sounding about telescopes and radars.
It was followed by several other pointless comments, which I have left out. Until, this comment:

Isn't that cute? I'm a "hipster prick" raggin' on rational thinking because I am mocking someone's belief. Isn't belief and fact kinda completely and totally different?
I'm not even questioning this little boy's belief. I'm mocking it.
But then, I'm also mocking clean drinking water. Because the rational thinking that put man on the moon, gave me clean drinking water. Thank you NASA! And NASA also gave me the internet, with which I litter my opinion. Thank you rationality, thank you NASA! Also, it's because of the moon landing that the feudal system was abolished, and I no longer have to toil in the fields all day. NASA, is there anything you can't do?
Because I have no strong opinion on the moon landing, an event I was not around to witness (much like the resurrection of Christ), I am an ungrateful shit. Really makes me think. It really does.

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