It's status updates like this that irk me about facebook. Great. I've always wanted to know what you were having for dinner. Especially if it was something exotic or totally weird and random like FROZEN VEGIES!
Oh, I won't worry! Now that I know you cooked them first. Phew, thank god that crisis was averted.
And then the comments! God, like this even needed to be commented on. "Chilli?" Says some ho inquiring about the required sauce that will make this chump's 'vegies' all the more tasty.
"Dunno," he replies, because, he doesn't know what sauce he needs. But when he does, I'll be waiting with bated breath, refreshing his profile page over and over again, hoping he will tell me what sauce he felt best complimented his vegies.
Oh, and look, news on dessert. Well, actually Chris, a sausage roll isn't exactly in the dessert category. It's savoury. And unless desserts these days are now defined as 'anything after a meal', then I guess the world has gone topsy-turvy.
Liam, why do you even have this guy on facebook if you don't like him?
I like making fun of him. And I haven't told him I don't like him. Because he is a facebook friend and I never talk to him.
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